Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Simple and Achievable Bedroom Tips

Our bedroom is the first place we wake up to and the last place we end up at every day. Most of us consider this place as our most favorite space. It houses our dreams and helps us with different realizations. It also provides comfort, security and privacy. It is therefore of dire importance that we treat it with high regard.

However, a lot of people take their bedrooms for granted. Clutters are everywhere and items are mismatched. They have either intended it that way or they just don’t know what to do with their things. Yet, we have to understand that a cluttered surrounding can affect the way our mind works. If you tend to complain on the way your room is being arranged without doing anything about it, you might also tend to complain on how the world works without contributing anything good.

Understanding the role of bedrooms for our growth and development, The Peterson Group Bespoke Condominium and Residences, expert in providing luxury homes for expatriates in Singapore, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Jakarta, Indonesia, has listed some of the most effective bedroom renovations that anyone can master. Take this as tips to organizing the room you love so much and maybe even relate it on your life as well.

1. Create Some Boundaries

Just like in any relationship, things should have boundaries. It does not literally mean that you have to isolate one thing from the other. Putting frames or lines to know where to put certain items is enough to organize your stuff.

2. Provide Extra Space Within

When space is tight, find inner rooms where you can squeeze some of the stuff that you no longer use. For example, the space beneath your bed can be used for storing shoes that you seldom use or the space beneath your drawer can be converted to a book shelf.

3. Think outside the box

It’s time to review your options when you no longer have ideas for a better room. Why not use the empty walls and hang something there? It can be a lamp post or a hanging shelf for your books. Or you can customize the usually unused corner and put a study table there.

4. Personalize it

The main point of having your own bedroom is for your own personalization. It does not make any sense if you design it based on the advices of people around you. Be bold and follow your instinct on what to put where.

Monday, 14 December 2015

How to Be Chic

Chic is in.

With this current trend, I am sure each and every one of us wants to be with the flow. From the latest style of mobile phones to our lifestyle, we all want to be tagged as chic.

The Peterson Group Bespoke Condominium and Residences, provider of luxury apartment and residential for expatriates in Singapore, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Indonesia and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia defines chicness in simple synonyms: elegant and stylish.

This trend extends to home styles.

There are just some people who are just elegant whatever they do. Learn from them and follow their path since it is indeed hard to be where they are now.

We have asked some of them to share some secret tips and they almost immediately willingly obliged.

1. Always have a focal point
In review of the past articles featured in The Peterson Group, focal point has been given with at least one emphasis. One solitary statement of a single item can be an anchor of the rest of the objects in a room. It may already be built in or something hanged on the wall. It doesn’t matter as long as it is the first thing that the eyes can rest on upon entry. Have this and you have achieved the first step of being chic.

2. Go Organic
Stylish people are able to incorporate modernity and nature. The dull atmosphere of the cemented wall should be matched with the liveliness of a plant. Being elegant also calls out liveliness and where more can we find the source of that than from living things? A potted house plant will do.

3. Don’t forget some texture
Although mostly ignored, the texture brings depth and emphasis on the feel of the room. The room can be more interesting if you put good textures with each other. Too much on the soft side feels lifeless while too much hard textures feel cold. Balancing between polar extremes can create comfort and elegance.

4. Bring your Personal Style
Copying too much may feel that you are no longer in control of your own home.  The most important part of being chic is you stand out as yourself. Put an item which signifies who you are, perhaps a personal preference of an item. It may even be better if you choose all the items by yourself.

5. Chic People Never Fail at Surprises

As mentioned in the prior warning, too much perfection is not good when it comes to design. Instead, allow the unexpected, or even the weird things to creep into your space. You might be surprised at how stylish that can be.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Which Houseplant Does Not Mind a Little Neglect?

Most people living in cities and in luxury condominiums are busy and although they have the intention of keeping their homes neat and tidy and all their belongings taken care of, you can’t expect them to stay at home as frequently as intended.

The Peterson Group Bespoke Condominium and Residences,  Jakarta, Indonesia expert in finding luxury condominiums and apartments for expatriates in Singapore, , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Hong Kong, understand this concern. Wouldn’t it be great if some of your belongings wouldn’t be too high maintenance?

There are some key solutions to most of the problems though.

Furniture and appliances can stay in their position and can be cleaned after you arrive. For the damaged ones, you can easily replace them. Pet care can be arranged. Developed and urbanized cities have their own pet nurseries where you can drop off your beloved fur pals and fetch them later after work. Only one problem remains. Who would water the plants?

Let us get some points straight first. Even the most indestructible plant can wither and die with over neglect and when entirely ignored. However, just like some people who have long endurance and can withstand extreme conditions, even to the point of neglect, plants also have stronger specie among them.

·         Bromeliad

At the sight of it, this pretty and sturdy plant truly is a strong plant. With hard leaves and petals, this plant resembles a pineapple and even came from the same bromeliacaea family. It can withstand temperature up to 70 degrees which is very suitable as home plants.

·         Cast-Iron Plant

This sturdy plant has lived up to its name as it can live in a wide range of temperature, can survive poor or low lighting and spotty watering. Warnings from botanic experts even state that this dark-leaved stunner wants to be left alone which can be very beneficial to its busy owners.

·         Prayer Plant

This plant can grow into a thick foliage even when ignored with only enough water to go by. It can be pretty handful for owners who would not want a tiny forest to grow into the room but it is very reliable for those who want some bushy shrub even without time to create one.

·         Kalanchoe

For flower lovers, there are also available pretty plants that only require little care to bloom into a beauty. In many reviews, Kalanchoe is called succulent since it absorbs moist and water once it is fed. The moist within it can also last a long time.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Condo Review: Legalities and Jargons

Have you ever looked into a contract and hesitate on the terms just because you do not understand what it means? No worries. You are not alone. There are a vast expanse of vocabularies and terminologies that only a few chosen specialties know.

In the world of property and realty rights, there are also jargons which may mean another thing to another forte. The Peterson Group Bespoke Condominium and Residences, leading provider of luxury apartments and residential for expatriates in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Jakarta, Indonesia and Hong Kong, guides us through the common jargons and legalities used in the field of condo ownership.

•             Administrator.

He is mostly the building manager who explains policies, intervenes when there is a conflict between tenants, and approves permits.

•             Agent

Although not all condos have an agent, The Peterson Group appoints one for each of our client. You can directly contact him for special service request even when you are already a long-time client.

•             Annual General Meetings (AGM).

This is vital for condo owners to hear reports from administrators (such as the review of association dues, etcetera) elect a new board, and deal with any pressing issues.

•             Association Dues.

This is also called contributions or, colloquially, condo fees and used to pay services including electricity bills, salary of the security personnel and cleaning crews and repairs.

•             Bylaws.

This fancy word is synonymous to procedures and regulations.

•             Caveat.

In case of any delinquency, say when a unit owner neglect to pay association dues, the condo corporation has the right to file a caveat which is defined as a warning or notice against the title. Don’t take caveats lightly: these can be enforced the same way as a bad mortgage.

•             Common Property/Elements. 

These are the areas and facilities that everyone has the right to use: elevators, lobbies, gym, swimming pool, spas, playgrounds, garden paths, etc. It also includes the plot of land that the entire condominium building stands on. Some condominiums will have function halls that you can use for parties, but you’ll need to reserve the area.

•             Estoppel Certificate.

This is a certificate given by the Condominium Corporation that shows the status of your payment of Association Dues.  Owners should take hold of this to ensure that you have no arrears.

•             Special Resolution.

Important community decisions such as enacting or amending bylaws, or transferring or leasing common property, needs the agreement of a majority of not less than 75% of the total population.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

How to Arrange your Furniture

Women are mostly expert in mixing and matching furniture and things around the room. When they are in charge, even the bulkiest piece has its own space. Yet, in our years of service, The Peterson Group Bespoke Condominium and Residences, expert in providing best luxury condominium and residential to expatriates in Singapore, Jakarta, Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Hong Kong, has witnessed even the most creative women struggle on arranging their own furniture. The interior designs may not be in their liking or they may be finding something which is lacking. For whatever the reason, all of us experience the dilemma on furniture arranging every now and then.

1.       Don’t put everything by the wall

The common mistake of small apartment owners is to keep every item they have by the wall to create a larger space to move in. The sofa may be pushed up against the wall along with the other cabinets and near the fireplace. Except if you fancy shouting at each other across the room, its high time to rearrange. Try ‘floating’ your sofa in the middle of the room near the fireplace to create a cozier and more comfortable conversation area.

2.       Take Advantage of the Magic of Lighting

Lighting is one of the most important elements of space. A dark corner can create an impression of dead end. Lighting and its placement can maximize the size of the room. You can use a lamp and a chandelier at your disposal. Besides, you don’t want your guest to complain much of the dark areas in your space.

3.       Don’t be afraid to mix and match various sizes

Every object has a height, depth and width. To add visual interest to any space, incorporate a variety of furniture with different characteristics. If you're going for a serene, unchallenging area for rest or recovery, keep the furnishing volumes in a room similar. A small lamp can complement a large sofa or a queen size bed can steal the focus out of your small drawer.

4.       Create a Focal Point

Most condo owners ignore the warning of visual overcrowding and stuff their rooms with ample amount of items which steal each other’s visuals. Focus on one thing and layout your room around it. Create your own focal point by hanging a large piece of art on a wall or create a vignette of favorite objects on a console or bookshelf.